What’s the matter?
Yes I am asking you. What is the matter with your life right now?
What things are just outright bothering you? And more importantly, what, out of these things are you ignoring, pushing under the carpet, not ready to look at?
You see, in life, we can often get caught up in other people’s agendas, ideas, beliefs, wants and desires. We can forget about ourselves. We often abandon our own needs for the sake of others.
Perhaps we do this to keep the peace, or because we don’t want to rock the boat. Or, perhaps we have just done it for so long that we have long forgotten about our Self and our own needs and just gone along for the ride in life. Let life take us where it wanted.
This certainly happened to me for many years. I became increasingly unhappy, unfulfilled and isolated. The funny thing was, I didn’t even realise how far from self I had drifted. I simply felt alone and lost.
Getting to the heart of what is missing in your life, and back to the peace and comfort of your own authentic, genuine, loveable self is easy when you have a clear strategy. Then you can discover your true calling in life and find the abundance, joy and happiness you are searching for.
Here’s my 4 top tips for getting crystal clarity on your life purpose:
Step 1 // PAUSE!
Look up and smell the roses. Too often we get bogged down with our responsibilities of work, family and even social commitments. There is a big wide world out there, full of colour and vibrancy. Take time out this week to simply stop the world, get off and reconnect to yourself and your dreams. All the answers you need come from self reflection but often we get caught in “busyness’ and forget to practice this.
Step 2 // LOOK:
Make a list of the things you are doing in your life, or the relationships that you have, that are draining or exhausting or waste your precious time. Then decide if these are absolutely necessary for you to continue with, or can you let some of them go.
Step 3 // ACT:
From your list, draw a line through the worst offenders that take you furthest from your sense of purpose. Make a commitment to yourself right here and now to take your power back and no longer spend your valuable time and energy on them. Here is a mantra to help you: “I choose to fully honour myself and call forth all the people and opportunities into my life that bring me fulfillment, joy and happiness”.
Step 4 // DREAM BIG:
Give yourself permission to dare to dream and go big! As kids it comes naturally but we are socialised out of dreaming so we are not restless natives! What were your dreams as a kid? What did you used to enjoy doing. What do you do in your daily life now that fills you with joy, that you naturally do really well without thinking about it. For example, are you the one that everyone comes to for advice? Ever thought of a vocation in coaching, mentoring, teaching? What do you race back home after work to do? What do you do to escape your life that you love? What would you do if you could that would be so amazing you’d do it for free for there rest of your life if you didn’t need to earn money.
Practice these daily and watch the results miraculously unfold.
Do you want to know more about what it takes to find your purpose? Click here to book your Breakthrough Call with me to discover how.