The Power of Compassionate Consciousness to Discover Your Purpose

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Photo: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet ~ often referred to as an Ocean of Wisdom, is the manifestation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokitesvara

I have had the privilege on numerous occasions to host a retreat to one of the most sacred places on the planet – Australia’s very own Uluru.

As if that wasn’t enough, on one such retreat His Holiness the Dalai Lama just happened to be there also. Not only did we get to meet His Holiness, but we were able to follow Him around for his entire tour. Talk about being in the flow! It was a real honour for our group, for which we all felt incredibly blessed.

So, what does a chance meeting with the Dalai Lama have to do with finding your purpose you may ask? It’s a good question, and the answer is… a great deal. And its entirely related to the Universal Law of Flow.

Imagine if, instead of when you look in the mirror each day criticising how your body looks or how you acted in a certain situation, you could see before you a soul in search of itself?

Imagine for a moment that everything and everyone in this world operated from a place of compassion instead of greed, selfishness, fear, competition or judgement. Even just thinking about this scenario, can you feel how different the world would be?

Imagine for a moment that you had embodied compassion and that every thing you thought or saw or did came from this place.

Imagine how different you might act around people or situations in your life. Instead of judging others, in its place would be great understanding of them and their actions.

You would be more able to recognise the troubles they were facing in their life and rather than judge their clumsy way of dealing with their own woes, you could simply feel empathy towards them.

Now take your imagination just a little further….to yourself.

Imagine if, instead of when you look in the mirror each day criticising how your body looks or how you acted in a certain situation, you could see before you a soul in search of itself.

What a very different life and world we would all live in!

How to practice compassion

We are not all destined to become fully realised Bodhisttvas (realised souls who have dealt with all their karmas and take on karmas of others and reincarnate again and again to help humanity) in this lifetime. However, we are all moving towards greater purpose and meaning at differing rates and degrees of consciousness.

The practice self compassion leads us to the doorway of greater self realisation and purpose.

Recipe for Self Compassion

  1. Decide: make a conscious decision to embrace greater self compassion in your life
  2. Ask for help: ask the Universe to help you be inspired to practice more self compassion
  3. Observe: be on the lookout for life events in each day that the Universe will bring to you to help you practice more self compassion
  4. Note: keep a compassion diary for a week or a month and note down when you practice self compassion and also when people are compassionate to you. Record your wins!
  5. Vote for self: take a moment daily to dial in to your innate sense of compassion that is waiting to emerge out of feelings of anger, frustration, upset, hurt etc. Can you hold a compassion vote for yourself even when you feel negative feelings.

Are you ready to take the next step to finding your purpose? Click here to book your Breakthrough Call with me to discover how.


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