Anjani comments regularly in the media on topics relating to women’s leadership, empowerment, well-being, and the importance of making a positive impact in the world.
OVERCOMING SELF SABOTAGE: Why women suffer more than men; the 5 telltale signs and symptoms; the 3-steps to overcome it to up level mental health, productivity and influence and unlock your highest potential and purpose.
LANGUAGE OF SUCCESS: Why women’s inner dialogue is 3 times more likely to be self-defeating; how encouraging self talk is the best predictor of success; the ‘language blueprint’ women must adopt to override their internal negative narrative for greater impact and success.
WOMEN’S BUSINESS: Understand why feminine leadership traits are vital for the future of business; why women don’t need to act like men to get ahead; how a woman’s unique perspective is critical for innovation and impact in business; the for women to lead the charge in bridging the gap.
THE EMERGING HOLISTIC LEADER: A holistic leadership mindset is vital to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing, uncertain, fast paced, digital world; the 3 common traits of holistic leaders; how to discover and cultivate the holistic leader in yourself and your teams.
UNLOCKING YOUR INSIDE EDGE: Real power, success and adaptability is an inside job; understand and adopt the mindset and emotional E-volution required to build self awareness, self-regulation and stress mastery.
EMOTIONAL & MENTAL FITNESS: Why leaders need emotional and mental ‘fitness training’, not resilience, to unlock supercharged confidence, agility and creativity
Anjani Amriit has been leading the corporate world for decades – first as a corporate lawyer and now as a spiritual advisor and activist, conscious leadership expert and women’s empowerment advocate.
If your organisation aims to have a greater positive impact both internally and in the world, Anjani Amriit is the catalyst to helping you actively engage with this process.
Anjani Amriit is an author, speaker, spiritual leader, and mentor specialising in building conscious leaders and accelerating women’sempowerment. By uniting the practical impact and global reach of business with the wisdom and power of spirituality, Anjani Amriit mobilises change through empowering marginalised populations, women, and leaders, alike.
She is a wise advisor guiding ambitious individuals determined to make a change in the world. She leverages evidence based spiritual practices to support strong influential leaders reach their optimal potential with more rewarding work-life balance, more joy, confidence and more space to create a legacy or positive impact in their lives and community.
Anjani Amriit is passionate not only about her business but in truly making a difference in her community and throughout the World. She builds partnerships with other social conscious enterprises and individuals, provides free mentoring programs to charities and serves in the Boards of Charities. And she is urging each of us to act on behalf of all living things and the planet we share.
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All photographs are credit to: Tracy Duffy